ESPID Early Career Opportunities

ESPID Early Career Opportunities

Build your career, take your research to the next level and improve your clinical practice throughout the year with these ESPID opportunities:

1. Walter Marget Educational Workshop

The Walter Marget Workshop (WMW) is over 2 half-days for trainees held every year in the days leading upto the ESPID Annual Meeting. The workshop is dedicated to the memory of Professor Walter Marget, who was a founding member of ESPID (1983). Professor Marget was a renowned paediatric infectious diseases clinician at the University Hospitals of Freiburg, Tubingen and Munich and was an influential mentor for many young paediatricians.

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2. ESPID Research Masterclass

The ESPID Research Masterclass (ERMC) is a closed, seminar type of forum for active paediatric infectious diseases (PID) research groups in Europe. The research performed can involve ‘bench-type’ basic and translational research, as well as ‘bed-side’ clinical studies (e.g. observational, case-control, randomized controlled, interventional) and epidemiological studies in any area of paediatric infectious diseases.

The format of ERMC is well suited for presenting work-in-progress as well as studies that have completed. You will gain feedback and input from other research groups, as well as senior research leaders in paediatric infectious diseases, on how to approach the research question, on study design and on presentation and interpretation of results.

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3. Present at ESPID 2023

Bring your research, cases, and reviews to Lisbon to share your work with the world.

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4. ESPID Annual Meeting Travel & Participation Award

The award will offer you free participation, and cover your travel expenses to Lisbon as well as your hotel stay during the meeting days.

Apply Here

5. Young ESPID Symposium

The Young ESPID Symposium is a debate where both speakers and coordinators are Young ESPID members.

Watch 2022’s Young ESPID Symposium

Furthermore you can joing Young ESPID – a group of members who are in training and early career or have completed training to become a paediatric infectious disease specialist <3 years ago.

There are many more early career opportunities
on the
ESPID website

But the ESPID Annual Meeting is where all journeys begin!

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