ESPID at 40

ESPID at 40

At the 40th anniversary meeting, we asked our ESPID leaders about the most significant changes and next challenges in the #PedsID field.

Come back as we add more perspectives!

Nigel Curtis, ESPID Chair of the Guidelines Committee

Catarina Gouveia, ESPID 2023 Co-Chair

Paul Heath, Chair of the ESPID Committee for Research

Annemarie van Rossum, ESPID Board Member

Michael Buettcher, Chair of the ESPID Committee for Education

Adilia Warris, ESPID Bill Marshall Awardee 2021

Saul Faust, ESPID Meeting International Scientific Committee

Oana Falup-Pecurariu, ESPID Secretary

Aubrey Cunnington, Chair of the ESPID Committee for Scientific Affairs and Awards

Pieter Fraaij, former ESPID 2020 Co-Chair

Hermione Lyall, former ESPID Board Member

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